Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Story in a Bracelet

This is my fibromyalgia survivor bracelet.  Each purple bead represents a year in my life with fibromyalgia.  There is no pattern to the design because the syndrome is so unpredictable.  The purple beads do however come in sets of 3's representing the severe episodes usually lasting 3 years.  The purple butterfly , the fibro symbol, hangs from a larger ring.  This allows future purple beads to be added.  Im not ready to check out yet!
The black beads, some small, some large, are for the pain that is always present.  The clear beads are for the better times when my mind is clear and the fog has lifted.  The pearls are there to show the doctors who have truly tried to help me.  There are only 3 of those.
Faith and hope are hanging in there with the pain; faith and hope for better days.  Oh yes, so you dont have to count, there are 40 beads on my bracelet. Yes, I am a survivor.
 Remember Fibromyalgia Awareness Day on May 12 by wearing purple and telling someone why. Chances are you know at least 5 people with fibromyalgia. We need more research. We need a cure.

Update!  Now I need to add some orange beads to the bracelet.  Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis also. 2012

Revelation 21:4   neither shall there be any more pain.